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21 kwietnia, 2015

Eat like a local

Elle put together some easy steps every host can follow to prevent hosting from becoming more of a chore than a reward.

“Some of our most enthusiastic hosts are so dedicated to their guests having an exceptional stay that they’re challenged to find their own time and resources for themselves,” says Elle. “They’re givers and sometimes givers swing too far into that giving activity.”

The saying “You have to taste a culture to understand it” certainly holds very true. Food is a melting pot of cultural influences that have been blended with the islands’ natural bounty of fruits, spices and ocean-fresh seafood. Here are our top picks of places to experience authentic Creole cuisine:

2 thoughts on “Eat like a local

  • Jenny
    on 21 kwietnia, 2015

    WP Rentals has been the best platform for me because of the people that I met, the money that i make, if any problem comes up costumer service is ALWAYS there. Literally the guys are trying their best! My profile has over 160 reviews and all my listings are book 3 months ahead!

  • Laura
    on 21 kwietnia, 2015

    In the past, these types of services have been used largely by thrifty tourists looking for the cheapest place they can find in a particular city. Now, however, more and more business travelers and professionals are looking to WP Rentals for a unique and memorable experience.


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